Press Release: 06/17/2022
Curtin Maritime, Corp. (CMC) has been awarded a contract for a segment of work as part of the Houston Ship Channel (HSC) Expansion Channel Improvement Project (ECIP) Project 11.
The work encompasses dredging of approximately 4.175 million cy of the HSC with deposit of materials into the Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS). New work (NW) dredging will widen the existing 530-foot-wide channel equally on each side to a new 700-foot-wide channel. NW dredging of the HSC will consist of the removal of approximately 1.539 million cy of dredge material that will be used to complete construction of oyster reef mitigation pads at Dollar Reef Oyster Reef Mitigation Site (DRM) and San Leon Oyster Reef Mitigation Site (SLM).
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